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                       <p>  2006年8月24日  捷克布拉格</p>
<p>      第26届国际天文联合会</p>
<p>      “Well, uh... Ladies and gentlemen.</p>
<p>      According to the four drafts of No. 5 and No. 6 of our conference, we have the following three items of the reference standard for the definition of planets: 1. orbiting the stars; 2. having enough mass to overcome the solid stress in order to achieve the shape of hydro static equilibrium; 3. clearing the region near its orbit, which means being the largest celestial body in the orbit region and also has enough gravity to ‘attracts’ small objects near both sides of the orbit to become its own satellite.</p>
<p>      Based on the current observed data presentation, Pluto, which was discovered in January 1930 by Dr. Clyde Thompson, and has been taken as the ninth planet in the Solar System, its parameters do not fully meet the three requirements mentioned above. </p>
<p>      So, according to the just concluded voting, please allow me to announce here that: Pluto has been officially downgraded to a dwarf planet, and its asteroid serial number is defined as 134340. </p>
<p>      This resolution will come into force effective immediately. And the above is the content of the final decision of this meeting. </p>
<p>      Thank you. Have a good day. ”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      中译文本:</p>
<p>      “好的……女士们先生们。</p>
<p>      基于专项讨论形成5号及6号的四份草案,我们对以下三条关于行星定义的参考标准达成一致:一,围绕恒星公转;二,具有足够质量克服固体引力以达到流体静力平衡的形状;三,清除其轨道附近区域,亦即必须作为最大的天体存在于该轨道区域,并有足够的引力‘吸引’轨道两侧的小型天体成为其卫星。</p>
<p>      根据最新观测数据显示,冥王星——即由克莱德·汤普森博士于1930年1月所发现的,目前占据太阳系第九大行星位置的天体——其特征不能完全满足上述三个必要条件。</p>
<p>      因此,根据刚刚结束的投票结果,请允许我在此宣布:冥王星已正式被降级为矮行星,其小行星序列号被定为134340。</p>
<p>      该结果即时生效。以上为本次会议最终结果的全部内容。</p>
<p>      谢谢。祝日安。”</p>
<p>        </p>                    